Useful utilities for python enum class.
from enum import IntEnum, unique
from functools import lru_cache
from types import MethodType
from typing import Type, Optional, Callable, TypeVar, Any
__all__ = [
'AutoIntEnum', 'int_enum_loads'
class AutoIntEnum(IntEnum):
An example from `official documentation <https://docs.python.org/3/library/enum.html#using-a-custom-new>`_.
>>> from hbutils.model import AutoIntEnum
>>> class MyEnum(AutoIntEnum):
... def __init__(self, v):
... self.v = v
... A = 'a_v'
... B = 'b_vv'
... C = 'c_vvv'
>>> MyEnum.A
<MyEnum.A: 1>
>>> MyEnum.A.value
>>> MyEnum.A.v
>>> MyEnum.C
<MyEnum.C: 3>
>>> MyEnum.C.value
>>> MyEnum.C.v
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
value = len(cls.__members__) + 1
obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
obj._value_ = value
return obj
_EnumType = TypeVar('_EnumType', bound=IntEnum)
def _default_value_preprocess(value: int):
return value
def _default_name_preprocess(name: str):
return name
def _get_default_external_preprocess(enum_class: Type[_EnumType]):
def _default_external_preprocess(data):
raise TypeError('Unknown type {type} for loads to {cls}.'.format(
type=repr(type(data).__name__), cls=repr(enum_class.__name__),
return _default_external_preprocess
def int_enum_loads(enable_int: bool = True, value_preprocess: Optional[Callable[[int, ], int]] = None,
enable_str: bool = True, name_preprocess: Optional[Callable[[str, ], str]] = None,
external_process: Optional[Callable[[Any, ], Optional[_EnumType]]] = None):
Decorate a int enum class with a new `loads` class method.
- enable_int (:obj:`bool`): Enable int parse, default is `True`.
- value_preprocess (:obj:`Optional[Callable[[int, ], int]]`): Preprocessor of value, \
default is `None` which means no change.
- enable_str (:obj:`bool`): Enable str parse, default is `True`.
- name_preprocess (:obj:`Optional[Callable[[str, ], str]]`): Preprocessor of name, \
default is `None` which means no change.
- external_process (:obj:`Optional[Callable[[Any, ], Optional[_EnumType]]]`): External processor \
for the unprocessable data, default is `None` which means raise a `KeyError`.
- Simple usage
>>> from enum import IntEnum, unique
>>> @int_enum_loads()
>>> @unique
>>> class MyEnum(IntEnum):
>>> A = 1
>>> B = 2
>>> MyEnum.loads(1) # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads('A') # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads(2) # MyEnum.B
>>> MyEnum.loads('B') # MyEnum.B
>>> MyEnum.loads(-1) # KeyError
>>> MyEnum.loads('a') # KeyError
>>> MyEnum.loads('C') # KeyError
- Preprocessors
>>> from enum import IntEnum, unique
>>> @int_enum_loads(name_preprocess=str.upper, value_preprocess=abs)
>>> @unique
>>> class MyEnum(IntEnum):
>>> A = 1
>>> B = 2
>>> MyEnum.loads(1) # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads('A') # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads(2) # MyEnum.B
>>> MyEnum.loads('B') # MyEnum.B
>>> MyEnum.loads(-1) # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads('a') # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads('C') # KeyError
- External processor
>>> from enum import IntEnum, unique
>>> @int_enum_loads(external_process=lambda data: None)
>>> @unique
>>> class MyEnum(IntEnum):
>>> A = 1
>>> B = 2
>>> MyEnum.loads(1) # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads('A') # MyEnum.A
>>> MyEnum.loads(2) # MyEnum.B
>>> MyEnum.loads('B') # MyEnum.B
>>> MyEnum.loads(-1) # None
>>> MyEnum.loads('a') # None
>>> MyEnum.loads('C') # None
value_preprocess = value_preprocess or _default_value_preprocess
name_preprocess = name_preprocess or _default_name_preprocess
def _decorator(enum_class: Type[_EnumType]):
if not issubclass(enum_class, IntEnum):
raise TypeError('Int enum expected but {type} found.'.format(type=repr(enum_class.__name__)))
enum_class = unique(enum_class)
def _dict_item():
return {key: value for key, value in enum_class.__members__.items()}
def _int_value_to_item():
return {value.value: value for _, value in _dict_item().items()}
def _str_name_to_item():
return {name_preprocess(key): value for key, value in _dict_item().items()}
def _load_func(data) -> Optional[enum_class]:
if isinstance(data, enum_class):
return data
elif enable_int and isinstance(data, int):
return _int_value_to_item()[value_preprocess(data)]
elif enable_str and isinstance(data, str):
return _str_name_to_item()[name_preprocess(data)]
return (external_process or _get_default_external_preprocess(enum_class))(data)
def loads(cls, data) -> Optional[enum_class]:
Load enum data from raw data.
- data (:obj:`Any`): Data which going to be parsed.
- enum_data (:obj:): Parsed enum data
return _load_func(data)
loads.__qualname__ = f'{enum_class.__qualname__}.{loads.__name__}'
enum_class.loads = MethodType(loads, enum_class)
return enum_class
return _decorator