Source code for hbutils.string.inflection

    Useful utilities for word inflections.

    Extended based on `jpvanhal/inflection <>`_.
import re
import unicodedata

__all__ = [

    (r"(?i)(quiz)$", r'\1zes'),
    (r"(?i)^(oxen)$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)^(ox)$", r'\1en'),
    (r"(?i)(m|l)ice$", r'\1ice'),
    (r"(?i)(m|l)ouse$", r'\1ice'),
    (r"(?i)(passer)s?by$", r'\1sby'),
    (r"(?i)(matr|vert|ind)(?:ix|ex)$", r'\1ices'),
    (r"(?i)(x|ch|ss|sh)$", r'\1es'),
    (r"(?i)([^aeiouy]|qu)y$", r'\1ies'),
    (r"(?i)(hive)$", r'\1s'),
    (r"(?i)([lr])f$", r'\1ves'),
    (r"(?i)([^f])fe$", r'\1ves'),
    (r"(?i)sis$", 'ses'),
    (r"(?i)([ti])a$", r'\1a'),
    (r"(?i)([ti])um$", r'\1a'),
    (r"(?i)(buffal|potat|tomat)o$", r'\1oes'),
    (r"(?i)(bu)s$", r'\1ses'),
    (r"(?i)(alias|status)$", r'\1es'),
    (r"(?i)(octop|vir)i$", r'\1i'),
    (r"(?i)(octop|vir)us$", r'\1i'),
    (r"(?i)^(ax|test)is$", r'\1es'),
    (r"(?i)s$", 's'),
    (r"$", 's'),

    (r"(?i)(database)s$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(quiz)zes$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(matr)ices$", r'\1ix'),
    (r"(?i)(vert|ind)ices$", r'\1ex'),
    (r"(?i)(passer)sby$", r'\1by'),
    (r"(?i)^(ox)en", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(alias|status)(es)?$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(octop|vir)(us|i)$", r'\1us'),
    (r"(?i)^(a)x[ie]s$", r'\1xis'),
    (r"(?i)(cris|test)(is|es)$", r'\1is'),
    (r"(?i)(shoe)s$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(o)es$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(bus)(es)?$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(m|l)ice$", r'\1ouse'),
    (r"(?i)(x|ch|ss|sh)es$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(m)ovies$", r'\1ovie'),
    (r"(?i)(s)eries$", r'\1eries'),
    (r"(?i)([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$", r'\1y'),
    (r"(?i)([lr])ves$", r'\1f'),
    (r"(?i)(tive)s$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)(hive)s$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)([^f])ves$", r'\1fe'),
    (r"(?i)(t)he(sis|ses)$", r"\1hesis"),
    (r"(?i)(s)ynop(sis|ses)$", r"\1ynopsis"),
    (r"(?i)(p)rogno(sis|ses)$", r"\1rognosis"),
    (r"(?i)(p)arenthe(sis|ses)$", r"\1arenthesis"),
    (r"(?i)(d)iagno(sis|ses)$", r"\1iagnosis"),
    (r"(?i)(b)a(sis|ses)$", r"\1asis"),
    (r"(?i)(a)naly(sis|ses)$", r"\1nalysis"),
    (r"(?i)([ti])a$", r'\1um'),
    (r"(?i)(n)ews$", r'\1ews'),
    (r"(?i)(ss)$", r'\1'),
    (r"(?i)s$", ''),


def _irregular(singular: str, plural: str, *plurals: str) -> None:
    A convenience function to add appropriate rules to plurals and singular
    for irregular words.
    :param singular: irregular word in singular form (such as `it`)
    :param plural: irregular word in plural form (such as `they`)
    :param plurals: extended words in plural form (such as `them`)

    def caseinsensitive(string: str) -> str:
        return ''.join('[' + char + char.upper() + ']' for char in string)

    def _register_singular(singular_: str, plural_: str) -> None:
        if singular_[0].upper() == plural_[0].upper():
            SINGULARS.insert(0, (
                r"(?i)({}){}$".format(plural_[0], plural_[1:]),
                r'\1' + singular_[1:]
            SINGULARS.insert(0, (
                r"{}{}$".format(plural_[0].upper(), caseinsensitive(plural_[1:])),
                singular_[0].upper() + singular_[1:]
            SINGULARS.insert(0, (
                r"{}{}$".format(plural_[0].lower(), caseinsensitive(plural_[1:])),
                singular_[0].lower() + singular_[1:]

    def _register_plural(singular_: str, plural_: str) -> None:
        if singular_[0].upper() == plural_[0].upper():
            PLURALS.insert(0, (
                r"(?i)({}){}$".format(singular_[0], singular_[1:]),
                r'\1' + plural_[1:]
            PLURALS.insert(0, (
                r"(?i)({}){}$".format(plural_[0], plural_[1:]),
                r'\1' + plural_[1:]
            PLURALS.insert(0, (
                plural_[0].upper() + plural_[1:]
            PLURALS.insert(0, (
                plural_[0].lower() + plural_[1:]
            PLURALS.insert(0, (
                r"{}{}$".format(plural_[0].upper(), caseinsensitive(plural_[1:])),
                plural_[0].upper() + plural_[1:]
            PLURALS.insert(0, (
                r"{}{}$".format(plural_[0].lower(), caseinsensitive(plural_[1:])),
                plural_[0].lower() + plural_[1:]

    _register_plural(singular, plural)
    for p in [plural, *plurals]:
        _register_singular(singular, p)

[docs]def camelize(string: str, uppercase_first_letter: bool = True) -> str: """ Overview: Convert strings to CamelCase. :param string: Original string. :param uppercase_first_letter: if set to `True` :func:`camelize` converts \ strings to UpperCamelCase. If set to `False` :func:`camelize` produces \ lowerCamelCase. Defaults to `True`. Examples:: >>> camelize("device_type") 'DeviceType' >>> camelize("device_type", False) 'deviceType' .. note:: :func:`camelize` can be thought of as a inverse of :func:`underscore`, although there are some cases where that does not hold:: >>> camelize(underscore("IOError")) 'IoError' """ if uppercase_first_letter: return re.sub(r"(?:^|_)(.)", lambda m:, string) else: return string[0].lower() + camelize(string)[1:]
[docs]def dasherize(word: str) -> str: """ Overview: Replace underscores with dashes in the string. :param word: Original word. Example:: >>> dasherize("puni_puni") 'puni-puni' """ return word.replace('_', '-')
[docs]def humanize(word: str) -> str: """ Overview: Capitalize the first word and turn underscores into spaces and strip a trailing ``"_id"``, if any. Like :func:`titleize`, this is meant for creating pretty output. :param word: Original word. Examples:: >>> humanize("employee_salary") 'Employee salary' >>> humanize("author_id") 'Author' """ word = re.sub(r"_id$", "", word) word = word.replace('_', ' ') word = re.sub(r"(?i)([a-z\d]*)", lambda m:, word) word = re.sub(r"^\w", lambda m:, word) return word
[docs]def ordinal(number: int) -> str: """ Overview: Return the suffix that should be added to a number to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. :param number: Int format number. Examples:: >>> ordinal(1) 'st' >>> ordinal(2) 'nd' >>> ordinal(1002) 'nd' >>> ordinal(1003) 'rd' >>> ordinal(-11) 'th' >>> ordinal(-1021) 'st' """ number = abs(int(number)) if number % 100 in (11, 12, 13): return "th" else: return { 1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd", }.get(number % 10, "th")
[docs]def ordinalize(number: int) -> str: """ Overview: Turn a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. :param number: Int format number. Examples:: >>> ordinalize(1) '1st' >>> ordinalize(2) '2nd' >>> ordinalize(1002) '1002nd' >>> ordinalize(1003) '1003rd' >>> ordinalize(-11) '-11th' >>> ordinalize(-1021) '-1021st' """ return "{}{}".format(number, ordinal(number))
[docs]def parameterize(string: str, separator: str = '-') -> str: """ Overview: Replace special characters in a string so that it may be used as part of a 'pretty' URL. :param string: Original string. :param separator: Separator of parameter words. Example:: >>> parameterize(u"Donald E. Knuth") 'donald-e-knuth' """ string = transliterate(string) # Turn unwanted chars into the separator string = re.sub(r"(?i)[^a-z0-9\-_]+", separator, string) if separator: re_sep = re.escape(separator) # No more than one of the separator in a row. string = re.sub(r'%s{2,}' % re_sep, separator, string) # Remove leading/trailing separator. string = re.sub(r"(?i)^{sep}|{sep}$".format(sep=re_sep), '', string) return string.lower()
[docs]def pluralize(word: str) -> str: """ Overview: Return the plural form of a word. :param word: Original word. Examples:: >>> pluralize("posts") 'posts' >>> pluralize("octopus") 'octopi' >>> pluralize("sheep") 'sheep' >>> pluralize("CamelOctopus") 'CamelOctopi' """ if not word or word.lower() in UNCOUNTABLES: return word else: for rule, replacement in PLURALS: if, word): return re.sub(rule, replacement, word) return word
[docs]def singularize(word: str) -> str: """ Overview: Return the singular form of a word, the reverse of :func:`pluralize`. :param word: Original word. Examples:: >>> singularize("posts") 'post' >>> singularize("octopi") 'octopus' >>> singularize("sheep") 'sheep' >>> singularize("word") 'word' >>> singularize("CamelOctopi") 'CamelOctopus' """ for inflection in UNCOUNTABLES: if'(?i)\b(%s)\Z' % inflection, word): return word for rule, replacement in SINGULARS: if, word): return re.sub(rule, replacement, word) return word
[docs]def tableize(word: str) -> str: """ Overview: Create the name of a table like Rails does for models to table names. This method uses the :func:`pluralize` method on the last word in the string. :param word: Original word. Examples:: >>> tableize('RawScaledScorer') 'raw_scaled_scorers' >>> tableize('egg_and_ham') 'egg_and_hams' >>> tableize('fancyCategory') 'fancy_categories' """ return pluralize(underscore(word))
[docs]def titleize(word: str) -> str: """ Overview: Capitalize all the words and replace some characters in the string to create a nicer looking title. :func:`titleize` is meant for creating pretty output. :param word: Original word. Examples:: >>> titleize("man from the boondocks") 'Man From The Boondocks' >>> titleize("x-men: the last stand") 'X Men: The Last Stand' >>> titleize("TheManWithoutAPast") 'The Man Without A Past' >>> titleize("raiders_of_the_lost_ark") 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' """ return re.sub( r"\b('?\w)", lambda match:, humanize(underscore(word)).title() )
[docs]def transliterate(string: str) -> str: """ Overview: Replace non-ASCII characters with an ASCII approximation. If no approximation exists, the non-ASCII character is ignored. The string must be ``unicode``. :param string: Original string. Examples:: >>> transliterate('älämölö') 'alamolo' >>> transliterate('Ærøskøbing') 'rskbing' """ normalized = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', string) return normalized.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
[docs]def underscore(word: str) -> str: """ Overview: Make an underscored, lowercase form from the expression in the string. :param word: Original word. Example:: >>> underscore("DeviceType") 'device_type' .. note:: As a rule of thumb you can think of :func:`underscore` as the inverse of :func:`camelize`, though there are cases where that does not hold:: >>> camelize(underscore("IOError")) 'IoError' """ word = re.sub(r"([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])", r'\1_\2', word) word = re.sub(r"([a-z\d])([A-Z])", r'\1_\2', word) word = word.replace("-", "_") return word.lower()
_irregular('person', 'people') _irregular('man', 'men') _irregular('human', 'humans') _irregular('child', 'children') _irregular('sex', 'sexes') _irregular('move', 'moves') _irregular('cow', 'kine') _irregular('zombie', 'zombies') # self added patterns _irregular('it', 'they', 'them') _irregular('this', 'these') _irregular('that', 'those')