This module provides useful utilities for handling memory size units, such as MB/KB/B.
It includes functions for converting various size representations to bytes and formatting
size values as human-readable strings.
import warnings
from enum import IntEnum, unique
from typing import Union, Optional, Literal
from bitmath import Byte, NIST, SI
from bitmath import parse_string_unsafe as parse_bytes
from ..model import int_enum_loads
__all__ = [
'size_to_bytes', 'size_to_bytes_str'
_EPS = 1e-10
def _is_int(value: Union[int, float], stacklevel: int = 4) -> int:
Convert a value to an integer, with a warning if rounding occurs.
:param value: The value to convert to an integer.
:type value: Union[int, float]
:param stacklevel: The stack level for the warning, default is 4.
:type stacklevel: int
:return: The integer representation of the value.
:rtype: int
:raises AssertionError: If the input is neither float nor int.
This function is used internally to ensure that byte values are always integers.
If a float is provided, it will be rounded to the nearest integer, and a warning
will be issued if the rounding causes a significant change in the value.
if isinstance(value, float):
_actual = int(round(value))
_delta = abs(value - _actual)
if _delta >= _EPS:
warnings.warn(UserWarning(f'Float detected in variable in bytes ({repr(value)}), '
f'rounded integer value ({repr(_actual)}) is used.'), stacklevel=stacklevel)
return _actual
elif isinstance(value, int):
return value
assert False, f"Should not reach here, {repr(type(value))} detected, " \
f"something may be wrong with {__name__}._is_int function." # pragma: no cover
def _base_size_to_bytes(size, stacklevel: int = 4) -> int:
Convert various size representations to bytes.
:param size: The size to convert, can be int, float, str, or Byte object.
:type size: Union[int, float, str, Byte]
:param stacklevel: The stack level for warnings, default is 4.
:type stacklevel: int
:return: The size in bytes as an integer.
:rtype: int
:raises TypeError: If the input type is not supported.
This function is used internally to handle different input types and convert them to bytes.
if isinstance(size, (float, int)):
return _is_int(size, stacklevel)
elif isinstance(size, str):
return _is_int(parse_bytes(size).bytes, stacklevel)
elif isinstance(size, Byte):
return _is_int(size.bytes, stacklevel)
raise TypeError('{int}, {str} or {byte} expected but {actual} found.'.format(
_SIZE_TYPING = Union[int, float, str, Byte]
[docs]def size_to_bytes(size: _SIZE_TYPING) -> int:
Convert any type of memory size representation to an integer value in bytes.
:param size: Any type of size information.
:type size: Union[int, float, str, Byte]
:return: Size in bytes as an integer.
:rtype: int
This function can handle various input types:
* Integers and floats are treated as byte values.
* Strings are parsed as size representations (e.g., "23356 KB").
* Byte objects from the bitmath library are converted to their byte value.
>>> from hbutils.scale import size_to_bytes
>>> size_to_bytes(23344)
>>> size_to_bytes('23356 KB')
>>> size_to_bytes('3.54 GB')
>>> size_to_bytes('3.54 GiB')
__main__:1: UserWarning: Float detected in variable in bytes (3801046056.96), rounded integer value (3801046057) is used.
return _base_size_to_bytes(size)
class SizeSystem(IntEnum):
Enumeration of size systems used for formatting.
NIST: Uses binary prefixes (KiB, MiB, GiB, etc.)
SI: Uses decimal prefixes (KB, MB, GB, etc.)
[docs]def size_to_bytes_str(size: _SIZE_TYPING, precision: Optional[int] = None,
sigfigs: Optional[int] = None,
system: Literal['nist', 'si'] = 'nist') -> str:
Convert any type of memory size to a string value in the most appropriate unit.
:param size: Any type of size information.
:type size: Union[int, float, str, Byte]
:param precision: Precision for float values. Default is None, which shows the original float number.
:type precision: Optional[int]
:param sigfigs: Number of significant figures to use. If specified, overrides precision.
:type sigfigs: Optional[int]
:param system: The unit system to use, either ``nist`` (binary) or ``si`` (decimal). Default is ``nist``.
:type system: Literal['nist', 'si']
:return: String formatted size value in the best unit.
:rtype: str
This function provides a human-readable representation of size values. It automatically
chooses the most appropriate unit (B, KB/KiB, MB/MiB, etc.) based on the size.
The ``system`` parameter allows choosing between NIST (binary, e.g., KiB) and SI (decimal, e.g., KB) units.
>>> from hbutils.scale import size_to_bytes_str
>>> size_to_bytes_str(23344)
'22.796875 KiB'
>>> size_to_bytes_str('23356 KB')
'22.274017333984375 MiB'
>>> size_to_bytes_str('3.54 GB')
'3.296881914138794 GiB'
>>> size_to_bytes_str('3.54 GiB')
__main__:1: UserWarning: Float detected in variable in bytes (3801046056.96), rounded integer value (3801046057) is used.
'3.540000000037253 GiB'
>>> size_to_bytes_str('3.54 GB', precision=0) # use precision
'3 GiB'
>>> size_to_bytes_str('3.54 GB', precision=3)
'3.297 GiB'
>>> size_to_bytes_str('3.54 GB', system='si') # use GB/MB/KB instead of GiB/MiB/KiB
'3.54 GB'
>>> size_to_bytes_str('3.54 GB', precision=3, system='si')
'3.540 GB'
system = SizeSystem.loads(system)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid System Type - {system!r}.')
if sigfigs is not None:
format_str = f"{{value:.{sigfigs}g}} {{unit}}"
elif precision is not None:
format_str = f"{{value:.{precision}f}} {{unit}}"
format_str = "{value} {unit}"
return Byte(_base_size_to_bytes(size)).best_prefix(system.value).format(format_str)