

class argsloader.units.enum.EnumUnit(enum_cls: Type[enum.Enum])[source]

Unit for parsing enum object.

__init__(enum_cls: Type[enum.Enum])[source]

Constructor of EnumUnit.


enum_cls – Enum class, should be a subclass of Enum.


argsloader.units.enum.enum(ecls: Type[enum.Enum])argsloader.units.enum.EnumUnit[source]

Get a unit for parsing enum.


ecls – Enum class, should be a subclass of Enum.


A unit for parsing enum.

  • Basic enum parsing

>>> from enum import Enum
>>> from argsloader.units import enum
>>> class Color(Enum):
...     RED = 1
...     GREEN = 2
...     BLUE = 4
>>> u = enum(Color)
>>> u(2)
<Color.GREEN: 2>
>>> u('red')
<Color.RED: 1>
>>> u('BLUE')
<Color.BLUE: 4>
>>> u(Color.GREEN)
<Color.GREEN: 2>
>>> u(3)
ValueParseError: Value is expected to be a Color object, but 3 found actually.
  • Flag enum parsing

>>> from enum import Flag
>>> from argsloader.units import enum
>>> class Color(Flag):
...     RED = 1
...     GREEN = 2
...     BLUE = 4
...     WHITE = RED | GREEN | BLUE
>>> u = enum(Color)
>>> u(2)
<Color.GREEN: 2>
>>> u('red')
<Color.RED: 1>
>>> u('White')
<Color.WHITE: 7>
>>> u(6)
<Color.BLUE|GREEN: 6>
>>> u('red, blue')
<Color.BLUE|RED: 5>
>>> u('green, 4')
<Color.BLUE|GREEN: 6>
>>> u('')
<Color.0: 0>
>>> u([1, Color.BLUE])
<Color.BLUE|RED: 5>


Function enum() is used based on Enum class, which you need to build an enum class before this. For further information, see the following pages:

[Deprecated] SChoiceUnit

class argsloader.units.enum.SChoiceUnit(sch, case_sensitive: bool)[source]

Unit for parsing string-based enum value.

__init__(sch, case_sensitive: bool)[source]

Constructor of class SChoiceUnit.

  • sch – String choices.

  • case_sensitive – Case sensitive or not.

[Deprecated] schoice

argsloader.units.enum.schoice(sch, case_sensitive: bool = False)argsloader.units.enum.SChoiceUnit[source]

Getting a string-based choice parser.

  • sch – String choices.

  • case_sensitive – Case sensitive or not.


A unit for parsing string-based choices.

  • Simple choices

>>> from argsloader.units import schoice
>>> u = schoice(['red', 'green', 'blue'])
>>> u('red')
>>> u('RED')
>>> u('Green')
>>> u('BlUe')
>>> u('Pink')
ValueParseError: Value is expected to be within ('red', 'green', 'blue'), but 'pink' found actually.
  • Case sensitive choices

>>> from argsloader.units import schoice
>>> u = schoice(['red', 'green', 'blue'], case_sensitive=True)
>>> u('red')
>>> u('RED')
ValueParseError: Value is expected to be within ('red', 'green', 'blue'), but 'RED' found actually.
>>> u('Green')
ValueParseError: Value is expected to be within ('red', 'green', 'blue'), but 'Green' found actually.
>>> u('Pink')
ValueParseError: Value is expected to be within ('red', 'green', 'blue'), but 'Pink' found actually.


This function is deprecated and will be completely removed since 1.0.0 version. Please replace this to function enum(). For example, the following schoice() expression

>>> from argsloader.units import schoice
>>> u = schoice(['red', 'green', 'blue'])

can be replaced with complete-enum-based enum() expression, with a more reliable and conventional presentation mode, like the following code

>>> from enum import Enum
>>> from argsloader.units import enum
>>> class Color(Enum):
...     RED = 1
...     GREEN = 2
...     BLUE = 4
>>> u = enum(Color)

Deprecated since version 1.0.0: Function schoice is not recommended to be used, use function enum instead.