Source code for argsloader.units.utils

from typing import Mapping, Any, List, Tuple

from hbutils.collection import nested_map
from import SingletonMark

from .base import BaseUnit, UnitProcessProxy, _to_unit, UncompletedUnit, _ITreeFormat
from .build import TransformUnit, CalculateUnit
from ..base import PValue, ParseResult, wrap_exception

[docs]class KeepUnit(CalculateUnit): """ Overview: Unit for keep the original input value. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor of class :class:`KeepUnit`. """ CalculateUnit.__init__(self)
def _calculate(self, v: object, pres: Mapping[str, Any]) -> object: return v
_keep_unit = KeepUnit()
[docs]def keep() -> KeepUnit: """ Overview: Simply keep the original input data. See :class:`KeepUnit`. :return: A keep unit object. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import keep >>> u = keep() >>> u(1) 1 >>> u('this is str') 'this is str' """ return _keep_unit
[docs]class CheckUnit(CalculateUnit): """ Overview: Unit for check, the original input data will be kept. """ __names__ = ('unit',)
[docs] def __init__(self, unit): """ Constructor of :class:`CheckUnit`. :param unit: Unit used to check. """ CalculateUnit.__init__(self, unit)
def _calculate(self, v: object, pres: Mapping[str, Any]) -> object: return v
[docs]def check(unit) -> CheckUnit: """ Overview: Simply keep the input data, the ``unit`` is only used for checking. See :class:`CheckUnit`. :param unit: Unit used to check. :return: A check unit object. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import check, is_type, add >>> u = check(is_type(int) >> >>> u(2) 2 >>> u(10) 10 >>> u(2.0) TypeParseError: Value type not match - int expected but float found. """ return CheckUnit(unit)
[docs]class ValidityUnit(BaseUnit): """ Overview: Unit for getting validity of the given ``unit``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, unit: BaseUnit): """ Constructor of :class:`ValidityUnit`. :param unit: Unit for getting validity. """ self._unit = _to_unit(unit)
def _easy_process(self, v: PValue, proxy: UnitProcessProxy) -> ParseResult: result: ParseResult = self._unit._process(v) return proxy.success(v.val(result.status.valid), {'unit': result}) def _rinfo(self): return [], [('unit', self._unit)]
[docs]def validity(unit) -> ValidityUnit: """ Overview: Get the validity of the given ``unit``. Return ``True`` when ``unit`` is parsed success, otherwise return ``False``. See :class:`ValidityUnit`. :param unit: Unit for getting validity. :return: A validity unit object. Examples:: - Simple usage >>> from argsloader.units import validity, is_type >>> u = validity(is_type(int)) >>> u(10) True >>> u(10.0) False - Attribute-based usage >>> u = is_type(int).validity # the same as validity(is_type(int)) >>> u(10) True >>> u(10.0) False """ return ValidityUnit(unit)
[docs]class ErrorUnit(TransformUnit): """ Overview: Unit for raise errors. """ __names__ = ('condition', 'errcls', 'args')
[docs] def __init__(self, condition, errcls, *args): """ Constructor of :class:`ErrorUnit`. :param condition: Condition unit, the error will be raised if condition is satisfied. :param errcls: Error class. :param args: Error arguments. """ TransformUnit.__init__(self, condition, errcls, args)
def _transform(self, v: PValue, pres: Mapping[str, Any]) -> PValue: condition_ok = pres['condition'].value if not condition_ok: return v else: errcls = pres['errcls'].value args = tuple(nested_map(lambda x: x.value, pres['args'])) raise wrap_exception(errcls(*args), self, v)
[docs]def error(condition, errcls, *args) -> ErrorUnit: """ Overview: Raise error when the given ``condition`` is satisfied. :param condition: Condition unit. :param errcls: Error class. :param args: Error arguments. :return: A error unit object. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import error, is_type >>> u = error(is_type(int).validity, KeyError, 'a key error') >>> u(10.0) 10.0 >>> u(10) KeyParseError: 'a key error' """ return ErrorUnit(condition, errcls, *args)
[docs]def validate(val, condition, errcls, *args): """ Overview: Raise error based on the validation of data. :param val: Data calculation unit. :param condition: Validation unit, the error will be raised if this ``condition`` is not satisfied. :param errcls: Error class. :param args: Error arguments. :return: A unit object which can do the validation. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import to_type, le, validate >>> u = validate(to_type(int), le.than(5).validity, KeyError, 'a key error') >>> u(4) 4 >>> u(5.2) 5.2 >>> u(6.0) KeyParseError: 'a key error' """ from .mathop import not_ return check(_to_unit(val) >> error(not_(_to_unit(condition)), errcls, *args))
[docs]def fail(errcls, *args) -> ErrorUnit: """ Overview: Raise error at any time. :param errcls: Error class. :param args: Error arguments. :return: A unit object which can raise error. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import fail >>> u = fail(KeyError, 'a key error') >>> u(1) KeyParseError: 'a key error' """ return error(True, errcls, *args)
_ELSE_STATEMENT = SingletonMark('ELSE_STATEMENT') class _IfStatementModel(_ITreeFormat): def __init__(self, statements): self._statements = statements def _rinfo(self): children = [] for i, (_if, _then) in enumerate(self._statements): if _if is not _ELSE_STATEMENT: if i == 0: children.append(('if', _if)) children.append(('then', _then)) else: children.append((f'elif_{i}', _if)) children.append(('then', _then)) else: children.append(('else', _then)) return [], children
[docs]class _IfProxy(_IfStatementModel, UncompletedUnit): """ Overview: If proxy object, used to build :class:`IfUnit`. """
[docs] def elif_(self, cond, val) -> '_IfProxy': """ Add an ``else-if`` clause. :param cond: Condition unit. :param val: Value unit. :return: Another :class:`_IfProxy` with this new ``else-if`` clause. """ return _IfProxy([*self._statements, (_to_unit(cond), _to_unit(val))])
[docs] def else_(self, val) -> 'IfUnit': """ Add an ``else`` clause. :param val: Value unit. :return: A completed :class:`IfUnit` with this ``else`` clause. """ return IfUnit([*self._statements, (_ELSE_STATEMENT, _to_unit(val))])
def _fail(self): raise SyntaxError('Uncompleted if statement unit - else statement expected but not found.')
[docs]class IfUnit(_IfStatementModel, BaseUnit): """ Overview: Unit for if statement. """
[docs] def __init__(self, statements: List[Tuple[BaseUnit, BaseUnit]]): """ Constructor of :class:`IfUnit`. :param statements: If statements. """ _IfStatementModel.__init__(self, statements)
def _easy_process(self, v: PValue, proxy: UnitProcessProxy) -> ParseResult: completed, valid, result, record = False, True, None, [] for cond, val in self._statements: cond = cond if cond is not _ELSE_STATEMENT else _to_unit(True) if not completed: cres = cond._process(v) if cres.status.valid: if cres.result.value: vres = val._process(v) record.append((cres, vres)) if vres.status.valid: completed = True valid = True result = vres.result else: completed = True valid = False else: record.append((cres, val._skip(v))) else: completed = True valid = False record.append((cres, val._skip(v))) else: record.append((cond._skip(v), val._skip(v))) if valid: return proxy.success(result, record) else: return proxy.error(None, record)
[docs]def if_(cond, val) -> _IfProxy: """ Overview: If clause to determine the return value. :param cond: Condition unit. :param val: Value unit. :return: An initial :class:`_IfProxy` unit, a full if statement will be built based on this. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import if_, is_type >>> u = if_(is_type(int).validity, 'an int').elif_(is_type(float).validity, 'a float').else_('fxxk off') >>> u(1) 'an int' >>> u(1.0) 'a float' >>> u('1') 'fxxk off' """ return _IfProxy([(_to_unit(cond), _to_unit(val))])