Source code for argsloader.units.type

from typing import Mapping, Any

from .build import CalculateUnit

def _type_full_name(type_: type) -> str:
    module_name = type_.__module__
    if module_name and module_name != 'builtins':
        return f'{module_name}.{type_.__qualname__}'
        return type_.__qualname__

def _tname(type_) -> str:
    if isinstance(type_, type):
        return _type_full_name(type_)
        return '(' + ', '.join(map(_type_full_name, type_)) + ')'

[docs]class IsTypeUnit(CalculateUnit): """ Overview: Unit for checking the data's type. """ __names__ = ('type',) __errors__ = (TypeError,)
[docs] def __init__(self, type_): """ Constructor of :class:`IsTypeUnit`. :param type_: Type unit. """ CalculateUnit.__init__(self, type_)
def _calculate(self, v, pres): type_ = pres['type'] # noinspection PyTypeHints if isinstance(v, type_): return v else: raise TypeError(f'Value type not match - {_tname(type_)} expected but {_tname(type(v))} found.')
[docs]def is_type(type_) -> IsTypeUnit: """ Overview: Check if the input data is an instance of the given type. :param type_: Type or type unit. :return: A is-type unit object. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import is_type >>> u = is_type(int) >>> u(1) 1 >>> u(1.0) TypeParseError: Value type not match - int expected but float found. """ return IsTypeUnit(type_)
[docs]class ToTypeUnit(CalculateUnit): """ Overview: Unit for transforming the input data to the given type. """ __names__ = ('type',) __errors__ = (TypeError, ValueError)
[docs] def __init__(self, type_): """ Constructor of :class:`ToTypeUnit`. :param type_: Type unit. """ CalculateUnit.__init__(self, type_)
def _calculate(self, v, pres) -> object: type_: type = pres['type'] return type_(v)
[docs]def to_type(type_) -> ToTypeUnit: """ Overview: Turn the input data to the given type. :param type_: Type or type unit. :return: A to-type unit object. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import to_type >>> u = to_type(int) >>> u(1) 1 >>> u(1.2) 1 """ return ToTypeUnit(type_)
[docs]class IsSubclassUnit(CalculateUnit): """ Overview: Unit for checking if the object is subclass of the given type. """ __names__ = ('type',) __errors__ = (TypeError,)
[docs] def __init__(self, type_): """ Constructor of :class:`IsSubclassUnit`. :param type_: Type unit. """ CalculateUnit.__init__(self, type_)
def _calculate(self, v: object, pres: Mapping[str, Any]) -> object: type_: type = pres['type'] # noinspection PyTypeHints,PyTypeChecker if issubclass(v, type_): return v else: raise TypeError(f'Value type not match - {_tname(type_)}\'s subclass expected but {_tname(type(v))} found.')
[docs]def is_subclass(type_) -> IsSubclassUnit: """ Overview: Check if the input is a subclass of the given ``type_``. :param type_: Type unit. :return: A is-subclass unit object. Examples:: >>> from argsloader.units import is_subclass >>> class A(dict): pass ... >>> u = is_subclass(dict) >>> u(dict) <class 'dict'> >>> u(A) <class '__main__.A'> >>> u(int) TypeParseError: Value type not match - dict's subclass expected but type found. """ return is_type(type) >> IsSubclassUnit(type_)